The Packaging and Partial Packaging products offer rights holders an effective way
to understand and exploit the power of sponsorship

Secure your sponsorship and partnership marketing opportunities with the Packaging and Partial Packaging products.

The Packaging and Partial Packaging products are a cost-effective way for rights holders to leverage the benefits of sponsorship and partnership marketing, helping them to attract the right sponsors and partners.

This includes the creation of competitive sponsorship and partnership packaging and pricing strategies as well as the development of attractive looking and easy to understand sales materials.

The Packaging product is priced at THB450,000 excluding VAT and includes the development of an individualised packaging and pricing strategy as well as sales materials (website, promotional video and executive summary PDF). The Partial Packaging product is priced at THB225,000 excluding VAT and includes the development of an individualised packaging and pricing strategy as well as sales materials (executive summary PDF only).

Sponsorship opportunities are designed to suit different levels of needs, including Titile and Presenting Sponsors, Co-Sponsors, Official Suppliers, Media Partners and Supporters. Clients will also receive help developing comprehensive rights packages for branding, media and mobile marketing to name just a few.

The Packaging and Partial Packaging products are for clients who do not wish to opt for the Full Service option but who still want the tools to leverage the benefits of sponsorship. “Taking a professional approach to sponsorship is the best way to meet sponsorship and partnership marketing objectives. If sponsorship is managed correctly, it can be a powerful way to increase awareness and create long-lasting reinforcement of a brand and its values. The Packaging and Partial Packaging products are the easiest way to ensure that all the benefits of sponsorship and partnership marketing are fully explored and exploited,” says Paul Poole, Founder, Managing Director and Chairman, Paul Poole (South East Asia) Co., Ltd.

For more information about the Packaging product and the Partial Packaging product, please click here.

Paul Poole (South East Asia) Co., Ltd. is an independent marketing consultancy based in Bangkok, Thailand specialising in commercial sponsorship and partnership marketing, working with both rights holders and brands - acting as a catalyst by bringing them together and maximising the relationship.

We have packaged, sold and managed sponsorship and partnership opportunities for a wide range of rights holders and worked with many of the world’s leading brands to source and engage the right sponsorships and partnerships for them to maximise.

Please contact us for more information: Tel./Fax: +66 2622 0605 – 7 Email: info@paulpoole.co.th