PR & Broadcast Coverage
A huge story, which will dominate the press, TV and social media over 45 days as the team attempt the assault on the South Pole.

South Pole Flag
Reaching the South Pole will be the climax of the expedition – an historic memorable moment literally frozen in Thai and polar history
- The team will take a photography of your Company Flag at South Pole
- Feature alongside the famous beacon
- Represents a massive achievement which your company can be proud for years to come

Team Branding
Our Title, Presenting, Co-sponsors and Official Suppliers / Media Partners will have their logos on Team Kit & Clothing & Equipment – Skis, Tents, Sledges – ensuring they are fully integrated with this historic event.

Sponsors will have the opportunity to reach millions via the TJ’S TRUE SOUTH website & social networks broadcasting daily from Antarctica as the expedition unfolds.
TJ’S TRUE SOUTH Live! will be run by expedition support staff in Thailand.
TJ’S TRUE SOUTH Live! Includes:
- Live Journal On Location - real-time updates are available during the expedition
- Published Blog – regular feature updates
- Daily News Updates – all the breaking news
- Training Updates – pre Expedition news from our training camps
- Active Social Media - follow The Expedition on Twitter and Facebook
- Expedition Filming - filming before, during & after the event

Sustainability & CSR
There is a natural link between TJ’S TRUE SOUTH and Sustainability. Antarctica is the last untouched content and can be used to promote issues such as: climate change; sustainable technology – battery power; solar power technology with 24 hour sunlight; bio diversity - Save The Penguins!

Linking With Topics Relevant To Your Business. For example
Diversity - It is expected that TJ’S TRUE SOUTH team will comprise both men and women and is an excellent opportunity to associate with and support both men and women going to the South Pole.
Sports Science – TJ’S TRUE SOUTH will undertake research into how extreme energy use affects the human body.