The final 30 applicants will undergo rigorous training intended to push each and every individual outside of their comfort zone and to see how they perform.
From learning how to skate on ice, to camping & survival in the wilderness through to international expeditions to some of the most incredible landscapes on our Blue Planet.
The final 15 will then participate in the final training, which will take them around the world including:

- Japan - training in the snow, for skiing, camping and hiking
- Nepal Glacier - all of the skills from the challenges will be tested in one of the world’s most beautiful backdrops
- Canada Skiing - cross country skiing in a long endurance competition
10 people will remain by the end, with an additional 2 guarantors in case any individual of the final 10 may drop out. This will be the team that heads off on the final journey to Chile and on to Antarctica – to achieve history for Thailand in January 2019!